Lori Tamasaka » Student Expectations

Student Expectations


Basic School & Classroom Expectations:

The 7 habits:
Habit 1- Be Proactive
Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3 - Put First Things First
Habit 4- Think Win-Win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7- Sharpen the Saw

To learn more about the 7 habits, see the 7 habits tab.


Our Classroom Social Contract

Our classroom social contract that everyone contributed to, so everyone will know what behavior is acceptable and what is not.  It is based on how they want to be treated by the adults in the room, how they want to treat each other, and how they would treat the adults in the room while in class.  The class came up with be kind, respectful, responsible, no put downs (bucket filler), ready to learn, listen, and effort.


Consequences for Class Social Contract are as follows:

Reminder 1-Refer back to our classroom social contract 
Reminder 2 - 4 Questions for misbehavior

(What are you doing? What are you supposed to be doing?

Are you doing it? What are you going to do about it?)
Reminder 3 – Student places planner on teacher table.
Reminder 4 – Teacher writes note in planner.
Reminder 5 – Contact parent. (email, phone)
Behave Out – Office referral





Citizenship and Work Habits Grades:

Marks (write ups in student's planner) to calculate the General Conduct/Citizenship Grade and Work Habits Grade on your child’s report card.

Excellent (E) – 0-1 marks

Satisfactory (S) – 2-4 marks

Needs Improvement (N) – 5+ marks

***Office referrals will be handled on a case by case basis***





Students will receive rewards for various positive behaviors throughout the day.



Please review the take home folder, and review and sign your child's student planners daily.