Kourtney Carruthers » Other Information

Other Information

Classlink will be used to sign into all apps and websites. Your child's username and password will be in their communication folder. Google Classroom will be used as a resource. Textbooks are online and can be accessed through Classlink. To access your child's assessments, they will need to login through Classlink then Aware.
Newsletters will be emailed home on Fridays for the following week. They will also be posted under "Weekly Newsletters." The purpose of these newsletters are to inform you of the any upcoming assessments, homework due, paperwork due, school events, etc. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions about the newsletters at any time.
Students may bring one small snack each day. This should be a healthy, non-messy snack that can be eaten while working. No nuts please.
Students may bring in a special treat to share with the class as long as the treat is store-bought and in individual servings. Birthday treats can be sent in with the student or brought before 1:00 pm. No nuts please. 


April 16 - Reading
April 23 - Science
April 30 - Math