Melissa Kennedy » Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Daily Folder

Your child's folder, which we call our "Boomerang Folder" is designated for daily communication, as it needs to be carried home and returned the next day.  Please check this folder daily as it will graded papers to be kept at home and important notes from school.  Also, a daily “backpack” check by parents is necessary for both you and your child!



Reading every night is a key part of your child's homework.  For optimum growth, it is recommended that your child read each night for at least 20 minutes to ensure that they are reading on grade level or higher by the end of the year!



If your child is absent, it is mandatory to send a note explaining the absence, the next day.  All work will be given to students when they return unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.  Make-up work should be completed in a timely manner.



Your child will be marked tardy if he/she is not in the classroom when the second bell rings at 7:55.  If you arrive after 7:55, you will need to sign your child in at the office.


Visitors and Sign In/Sign Out Procedure

For safety precautions, school visitors must sign in at the school office to secure a pass to wear.  When signing students out, always sign students out in the office first to secure a pass that must be presented to the teacher. 


Dismissal/Transportation Changes

Teachers must have a written note each time, advising us of your child's dismissal changes.  Otherwise, students will continue with their usual dismissal plan.


Snack Time  

Because we have a late lunchtime, we highly encourage each student to bring a nutritious snack from home, which we eat during morning work.  Since we are busy working while enjoying snack time, your child needs to be able to open this snack independently and eat it neatly. Here are some suggestions from the state: Teddy Grahams, graham crackers, goldfish, Chex Mix, trail mix, pretzels, rice cakes,  bars, sliced fruit, veggies, bananas, squeezable apple sauce or yogurt. Please do not send in any snacks that contain nuts, due to allergies.



You are welcome to come and enjoy lunch with your child.  Please sign in at the office to secure a pass first.  You can meet your child at the cafeteria.  If your child has money to buy lunch, please put it in a baggie labeled with your child's name or deposit it in their lunch account directly.   Our lunch and recess time is from 12:15-12:50.



We love to celebrate birthdays!  If you would like, you may join students in the cafeteria during our lunch time to pass out the birthday treat.  If that is not possible, you may send a treat in on the morning of the celebration,  that your child is able to pass out at lunchtime.


Behavior Expectations  

Our class will be creating a social contract at the beginning of the year, which we will review daily.  Our RES behavior expectations are to be respectful, responsible and ready to learn.



I look forward to working with you to make your child's 2nd grade year a positive and successful experience for both you and your child.  My conference period is from 2:40- 3:20.  I can usually be reached after school until 4:15 p.m.  The best way to contact me is to  email me at [email protected] or use through the Seesaw Family app.   Our classroom phone number is 210-357-2314.