Sarah Murdock » Classroom Procedures

Classroom Procedures

  • Homework: Our class will not have homework, but starting in September, we will have ‘un-homework’ (think fun).  More information will be sent home at a later date. 
  • Lunches: Your child may either bring his/her lunch from home or buy lunch from our cafeteria.  Lunches cost $3 a day.  Pre-payment can be made through the school website.
  • Snack: We will have a mid-morning snack daily.  Please pack a healthy snack with your child each day.  The snack should be something they are able to open independently.  Snacks will not be provided.
  • Birthdays:  I encourage birthday celebrations in our class!  If you would like to send a sweet treat (donuts, cupcakes, ice cream sandwiches) with your child on their birthday, we will celebrate with them at the end of the day.