Lori Tamasaka » About Ms. Tamasaka

About Ms. Tamasaka

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Aloha! My name is Lori Tamasaka and I was born and raised in Kaneohe, Hawaii on the Island of O'ahu. I have a Master’s in Education in Teaching. I have been teaching for 29 years, with this being my 10th year here at Randolph Elementary. I have taught Pre-K, Second Grade, and was a reading teacher for 3 years. I also oversaw Kindergarten-Second Grade for reading, math, and behavior. Most of my experience has been in First Grade. I am Gifted and Talented Certified, and I was the Distinguished Educator at Spring Meadows Elementary, and at Salinas Elementary, both schools in Judson ISD. I had a son, Ryan, who passed away at the age of 16 from the results of Kawasaki Syndrome. I also have a daughter, Makayla, who graduated from Randolph High School. I had a  poodle named Azian, who was like my second baby. He past away after almost 15 1/2 years with me. We enjoy going back home to Hawaii every year to spend time with family and friends. I collect strawberry things, and I enjoy drinking coffee, going to the movies, water aerobics, pilates, dancing hula, shopping on Amazon, and eating!