Lori Tamasaka » Meet The Teacher-Mon 8/14/23 @ 12:00-3:00 pm

Meet The Teacher-Mon 8/14/23 @ 12:00-3:00 pm

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Meet Your Teacher 
Date: 8/14/2023
Time: 12:00-3:00 PM
Location: Room 15 

Please write your child's name on the following supplies before coming to Meet the Teacher. These items will be for your child's use only.

1-3 Ring Binders

4 Mead Composition Books

3 plastic pocket folder with brads (blue/red/yellow)

pencil box 


2 Crayola crayon boxes

4 doz. Ticonderoga sharpened pencils

1 Crayola washable markers

3 pink erasers

12 glue sticks


backpack (without wheels)


I will be collecting the following for the class use: (you do not need to write your child's name on these things)

1 wide rule notebook paper (girls) 

2 yellow highlighters (boys)

1 hand sanitizer 

2 Kleenex boxes

Post its

2- 6 Expo dry erase markers

1st Day of School
Date: Wednesday 8/16/2023
Time: 7:45 AM – 3:30 PM


We will have a working snack daily, so please pack a small healthy snack for your child to eat.  Please NO nuts in snacks due to nut allergiesWater only is allowed for drinking in the classroom.  Please have water in bottles that have a lid for your child to keep closed when they are not drinking.


Lunch / Recess  12:05-12:45 pm

If you are planning to eat with your child please sign in at the office first. You can meet your child at the entrance to the cafeteria. 


If there are ANY changes to your child's after school transportaion routine, please notify me by note, or email prior to 2:00. For safety reasons we will follow normal dismissal procedures unless notified by a parent. If you need to pick your child up early,  you will need to sign them out at the front office.  


Walkers and Pick Ups- Students will be dismissed by the gate by the playground.
Youth Center and other Day Care Vans/Buses – Students will be escorted from the gym to the Youth Center bus.

Base Bus Students will be escorted from the gym to the base bus. Please ensure your child knows which bus to ride (dog or butterfly) and what stop is theirs.